International Shipping
When it comes to packing supplies, Sandbox Pack & Ship has an extensive range of products available. From sturdy boxes and packing paper to foam, packing peanuts, bubble wrap, tape guns, tape, envelopes, and more, we provide everything you need to securely pack your items
product & Services in Brooklyn, NY
product & Services
When it comes to packing supplies, Sandbox Pack & Ship has an extensive range of products available. From sturdy boxes and packing paper to foam, packing peanuts, bubble wrap, tape guns, tape, envelopes, and more, we provide everything you need to securely pack your items
Track Order
“Track Orders” allows you to monitor the status and location of your purchases in real-time. Stay updated with every step of your order’s journey, from processing to shipping and final delivery. Access this feature through your account or order confirmation email to ensure a seamless and informed shopping experience

Next Pickups

Monday - 5:00pm
Monday -5:00pm

Monday -5:00pm
Monday - 5:00pm

Monday -5:00pm
Monday - 5:00pm

Monday - 12:00pm
Monday -12:00pm
Package Receiving
International and domestic
Packing material
Internet cafe
Copying service
document scanning
Fax service
mailbox and virtual mailbox

Welcome to Sandbox, your trusted partner in packing, shipping, printing.
Clinton Hill Sandbox is an independently owned and operated packing, shipping, printing and business services center located in BROOKLYN, NY. We are professionally trained experts and members of the BROOKLYN community who are dedicated to providing Super-Star Customer care in a convenient, efficient and friendly environment.
- Free FedEx envelopes
- Free access point
- Free drop off accept USPS
- Convenient service
Sandbox Pack & Ship Resource Center
owned by Stanley Green, has been a pillar of the community for over a decade. As a lifelong resident of the Clinton Hill neighborhood, Stanley Green is deeply committed to investing his time and work efforts in the local community. He understands the unique needs and challenges of the area and strives to provide exceptional service to his customers.
Visit any of our locations, including the flagship store in Fort Greene, the Fulton Street location, and the East Williamsburg branch, and experience the exceptional service and community-focused approach that sets Sandbox Pack & Ship apart.

Sandbox Pack & Ship is your trusted resource center
Track your shipments here. Simply enter the shipment tracking number to receive up-to-date status and delivery confirmation for your valuable and time-sensitive letters and packages. Our system tracks all packages sent via FedEx, UPS, DHL, and USPS —easy, fast, and accurately.
Click on logos to track
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